There are many reasons why you should get a water feature fountain for your home or office garden. One of them being that it can add an instant sense of tranquillity to the environment. They say that listening to the sound of running water can be very calming, and there is nothing better than to have something calming like that in a space that is very close to you, such as a garden. The great thing about the fountains that we supply you with is the fact that we have moved away from the potentially mundane and boring designs, and updated our range to make sure that no matter the era, we will have something that represents it. Apart from providing you with top class fountains, we also have a range of pool parts and other special fountains that you can have.

Here at Pool Spa & Filtration, we are known for our exceptional quality of product. A good water feature fountain consists of quiet a few elements. All of these need to be top quality, simply because if they are not and one part malfunctions, it can end up damaging your whole fountain system, we provide you with only the best quality materials and parts for your fountain. One of the first things you will need is a submersible fountain pump. You will need this so that the water can flow upwards and be propelled out of the fountain structure. If your pump is not strong enough, you risk incurring a lost water feature fountain. The nest thing you need is a good set of nozzles. These are usually made out of PVC or metal. We recommend that you take the PVC type, as they are impervious to rust. The nozzles give the water an outlet to flow from the body of the fountain. They direct the arc in which the water comes out. Without a nozzle, the water would not come out in such a pretty fashion. Submersible lights are the next element that make up a beautiful fountain. They come on at night so that everyone can see the bottom of the fountain. These lights also serve to give the body of the fountain illumination from the bottom up, making it look like a prize. These lights need to of course be waterproof and they need to have a high intensity so that they can shine through the water.

Lastly, PVC piping completes the structure of the fountain. This set of underwater pipes controls where the water actually comes from, so they will be linked in with the rest of your water supply and covered by soil, so as not to poke out and be unsightly. There are also automatic control systems, meaning that you can calibrate your fountain to switch on and off whenever necessary.

If you are looking for a supplier of quality swimming pool parts, then look no further than us here at Pool Spa & Filtration. We are proud to say that we have been consistent with quality parts for pools that will help you to maintain yours. If you care about your pool, then you will invest in quality parts that will keep your pool system intact for years to come.

We have got the largest variety of products for pools and water fountains, so if those pique your interest, then give us a call today.