During the warm summer months a lot of time is spent outdoors especially if you have a swimming pool. Keeping your pool clean in summer is easy as it is used often and you tend to want it to stay that way.

You use your pool pump almost daily and ensure that the right chemicals are put in the pool to maintain it. Then the seasons turn and winter arrives – what do you do then? Neglect your pool?

The simple answer is no. A lot of money is invested in a swimming pool and just like normal investments, needs to be looked after in order to see a return. As you would take the time in summer to look after your pool, so should you do the same in winter. The problem with neglecting your pool is that the water will turn green, the sides of the pool will land up having slime on them and in order to sort the problem out, your pool pump will probably land up working overtime and possibly packing up on you!

If your pool is left unattended, a slimy residue will build up on the sides of your pool and will ultimately turn the water green. This is due to the fact that your pool is not being treated with the correct chemicals and that the water isn’t be circulated. When it rains a lot in summer, you automatically use extra chemicals to prevent your pool going green so why not take the extra care in winter? Treat your winter pool care months just as you would your summer months.

A good tip for pool care is to test the acidity and alkalinity of your pool water. All you need to do is purchase a test kit from a pool supplier and you will be able to see, when the water turns clear, whether the acid and alkaline levels are right. If the water turns cloudy then you need to add chemicals to your pool that will sort the problem out quickly. Another tip – make sure that your pool pump is in working order for use throughout the year.

A pool is part of the exterior design of your home.

A pool completes a home and adds to the exterior aesthetics. You can’t have an immaculate garden and then a drab looking pool. Do not pack away your pool chemicals in winter – keep them handy so that your pool looks sparkling even in winter! If you are unlucky enough not to have a pool, why not add a water feature in your garden? You will be adding a little something extra to the look of your garden.

Pool Spa & Filtration will be able to advise you on the best chemicals to use in your pool. If you need to have your pool pump replaced or the existing one repaired, Pool Spa & Filtration is the pool company of choice. From water features to swimming pools accessories, Pool Spa & Filtration will be able to help you make the right choice. To find out more, visit their website www.poolspa.co.za