What is the Best Pool Sand Option for Your Swimming Pool?
So, the last thing we want is sand in our pool, right? But as we know, (or should) pool sand makes up a vital part of our swimming pool’s cleaning cycle. Have you ever wondered how it all works and why we use sand to keep our pools clean and hygienic?
What Does Pool Sand Actually Do?
Mimicking nature, pool sand serves as a highly effective filter.
Yes, we have nets to scoop out the leaves, twigs and small toys floating on the surface of the water, and the weir net catches many of the larger items that we missed.
However, when our pool vacuum or pump sends the water through the cleaning system, pool sand serves as the last line of defence against microparticles, some types of bacteria and other smaller debris.
Pool Sand Options
Depending on the size and usage of your pool, as well as where you live, you have a few options as to what pool sand options you can use.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
DE is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock created by the fossilised remains of a form of complex algae. It is crumbled easily into a fine substance and is used effectively in pool systems to remove bacteria and other unwanted material.
Quartz and Play Sand
As an alternative for DE or silica sand, these are common options. Play sand can be a cheap option but may be too fine and can cause clogging in your filter.
If you have a small pool with a smaller filter, then you may want to stick with silica sand (DE) but larger pools which are used frequently may have a more powerful pump and you’re better off with quartz sand which will be more cost-effective over time.
As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to have a filter option larger than what you need so that your pump and filter systems can operate effectively.
For advice on what is the best pool sand and filter options for your pool, please feel free to give the friendly Pool Spa team a call.