Can a Swimming Pool Increase Your Property Value?

We all enjoy the fun and entertainment value of a swimming pool, especially here in South Africa. But there are always practical elements to factor in when deciding whether the new home you’re looking for has a pool or not, or whether to install a swimming pool in your existing home. 

Many homeowners are under the misconception that if, for example, they spend R100 000 on a new kitchen then the value of their property will increase by R100 000. That’s simply not the case, and the same applies when considering the cost of installing a new swimming pool.

Swimming Pools Vs Property Values

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether the addition of a swimming pool will add significant value to your home. Consider with us the following factors which all play a role:


There’s no doubt that owning a swimming pool equals work. 

A regular cleaning schedule, the right equipment and well-maintained filtrations systems all go a long way toward decreasing the time spent scooping and scrubbing, but there will always be something to do.

Today’s busy lifestyles mean that adding the responsibility of a swimming pool to your to-do list may not be a positive option. 

Swimming Pool Area Design

Modern homes, especially in high-income areas, are expected to have a swimming pool. Most likely, the pool and entertainment area will be well-designed with bespoke features to add a charming allure to the space. 

These beautiful and practical aesthetics create a comfortable and enjoyable space for entertaining guests.


Further to the matter of positioning, Private Property gathered some interesting insights in a recent article. 

“Myles Wakefield, CEO of Wakefields Real Estate, sees a swimming pool as an investment that will enhance the value of the property, “Hence its positioning is very important. It needs to be close to the house and have easy access to and good flow with the entertainment area. It also needs to be private. Pools that are at the bottom of the garden or are open to the street are not popular.”

Of course, these points are just three of many elements which dictate the overall value of a swimming pool on your property. 

If you have questions regarding design, positioning or maintenance, please feel free to call on the Pool Spa team who have the knowledge and experience that you need to make the best decisions.